Single and Twin cut-off with inside scarf
The PVD coated carbide tipped ScarfMaster has especially been designed for flying cut-off applications dealing with heavy inside scarf.
It features a very specific tooth geometry, combined with highly shock resistant carbide tips.
Due to strong saw body shoulders which give the teeth maximum support, the combination tooth/body obtains very high stability and fracture resistance. Extended blade life is therefore achieved.
High line speed
Increased uptime
High blade life
Cuts heavy ID scarf
Cuts high tensile API Pipes (up to 1.800 N/mm2)
Various tooth geometries available
Flying cut-off applications dealing with heavy ID Scarf
Cutting speed: 400 – 500 m/min (choose max available).
Tooth load 1/2/3: relation 1/1/1. Starting value 0.04 mm/tooth.
ScarfMaster saw blades are available for flying cut-off machines, such as MTM, OTO mills, Nakata and Olimpia.
Note: Primary failure mode for this application is tooth and shoulder damage. raising cutting speed and reducing tooth load typically improves blade life. Blade life is highly depending on size, orientation and material grade of loose inside scarf. No guarantees can therefore be given for blade life. Blade life typically varies considerably, depending on operator/crew who influence scarf condition.